K-12 Independent Course Offerings Virtual Reality VR Education Software & Augmented Reality Learning – VictoryXR
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VictoryXR has 6 dissection packages for teachers and students to explore. The learning is syncherous on the VictoryXR Labs platform. VXR’s dissections are another interactive and immersive tool to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. Join Wendy Martin, a national award-winning education, to explore these dissections. Learn the fundamentals of anatomy through its various systems in our fully immersive VR experience. The entire program adheres to the Next Gen Science Standards (NGSS), America’s framework for science learning. In addition, we’ve implemented the processes and procedures of Carolina Biological–America’s leading supplier of science education materials. Using original and lifelike physical models, these dissection experiences is recreated to the finest detail and is a comparable substitute for actual live specimen classroom dissections, without the safety and ethical implications. VR is an incredible way to learn—fun, focused, and distraction-free! Join Wendy Martin, a national award-winning science teacher, to make Ribbit-ing Discoveries in this virtual reality Frog Dissection. Learn the fundamentals of the female frog anatomy in a fully immersive virtual reality experience. Learning can take place anytime, anywhere: VictoryXR’s virtual reality frog dissection software is a hands-on dissection opportunity that users can experience through the power of virtual reality. This true to life experience covers each step that a student would take if they were dissecting a real frog in their classroom. Along the way, a hologram of our teacher – national runner-up Teacher of the Year, Wendy Martin – will pop up to provide instruction and information to users. Join Wendy Martin, national award-winning science teacher, to guide you through a virtual reality pig dissection in Dissection Simulator: Pig Edition. Learn the fundamentals of pig anatomy through its various systems in our fully immersive VR experience. VictoryXR’s virtual reality pig dissection software is a hands-on dissection opportunity experienced through the power of VR. This true-to-life practice thoroughly covers each step of the science procedure that students would take if dissecting a fetal pig specimen in their classroom. Guiding learners through each anatomical system, a digitized version of a licensed science teacher appears as a hologram, providing guidance to users throughout the entire experience. Learning can take place anytime and anywhere. VictoryXR’s virtual reality cat dissection software is a hands-on dissection opportunity experienced through the power of VR. This true-to-life practice thoroughly covers each step of the science procedure that students would take if dissecting a real cat specimen in their classroom. Guiding you through each anatomical system, a digitized version of a licensed science teacher appears as a hologram, providing guidance to users throughout the entire experience. Learning can take place anytime and anywhere. Maximize student learning through this self-paced, teacher-facilitated dissection procedure with formative assessments throughout that check for understanding. This true-to-life experience thoroughly covers each step of the science procedure typically used in real classroom dissections. Guiding learners through each anatomical system, our digitized science teacher walks students through the process, while talking about the structure and function of each organ through the various systems. Also, students compare the dogfish’s anatomy to their own doing comparative anatomy cross-checks along the way. This dissection bundle include both a Squid and Starfish VictoryXR’s virtual squid and sea star dissections software is a hands-on opportunity experienced through the power of VR. Join Wendy Martin, national award-winning science teacher, to guide you through two separate, but related virtual reality dissections: a squid and a sea star. Learn the fundamentals of invertebrate anatomy and their respective systems in our fully immersive VR experience using Carolina Biological’s expert curricula and process. Maximize student learning through this self-paced, teacher-facilitated dissection procedure with formative assessments throughout that check for understanding. This true-to-life experience thoroughly covers each step of the science procedure typically used in real classroom dissections. Guiding learners through each anatomical system, our digitized science teacher walks students through the process, while talking about the structure and function of organs and systems. This dissection bundle includes 4 mammalian organs: Heart, Kidney, Eyeball and Brain Wendy Martin, a national award-winning science teacher and a host of our VR science curricula, has been digitized to provide real-time instruction to users. And, just like our award-winning curriculum software, the content is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Dissection Simulator: Frog Edition VR Field Trips: Martin Luther King, Jr.
High School
Middle School
Chemistry in the Wonderland
Learn English: Basic Conversations
VR Cat Dissection: Purr-fect Procedure
VR Pig Dissection: Hoggin the Scalpel
VR Dogfish Dissection: Diggin the Dogfish
Racing Through Waves of Radiation
The Solution Revolution
Triceratops Ranch
Mel & Gerdy: Cells VR
Chemistry – 360 Virtual Field Trip
Pteranodon’s Flight
Biology I – 360 Virtual Field Trip
Biology II – 360 Virtual Field Trip
Earth & Space – 360 Virtual Field Trip
Physical Science – 360 Virtual Field Trips
Life Science – 360 Virtual Field Trips
Physics – 360 Virtual Field Trips
Engineering Design – 360 Virtual Field Trips
Planet Earth – 360 Virtual Field Trips
Space Systems – 360 Virtual Field Trips
VR Squid and Seastar Dissection
VR Field Trips: Hoover Dam and Las Vegas
VR Field Trips: Arapaho, Ute, & The Trail of Tears
VR Field Trips: Grand Canyon & Petrified Forest
VR Field Trips: Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, & Tulsa
VR Field Trips: B.T. Washington and G.W. Carver
Big Cat Rescue VR
VR Field Trips: Abraham Lincoln and Vicksburg
Job Shadow: Heavy Equipment Operator
Job Shadow: Iron Worker
Job Shadow: Carpenter
Job Shadow: HVAC Technician
Job Shadow: Mason
Job Shadow: Pipefitter
Job Shadow: Drywall Finishing
Job Shadow: Project Supervisor
Job Shadow: Electrician
Job Shadow: Project Manager
Mammalian Organ Pack Dissection
VR Field Trips: Route 66 and Chickamauga
VR Field Trips: Davy Crockett
VR Field Trips: D-Day and World War II
MBI Job Shadow Collection
VR Field Trips: The Velvet Revolution
VR Field Trips: Greek Gods and Mini-Churches
VR Field Trips: Berlin Wall and Cold War
Forklift Simulator
Walking in Mandela’s Footsteps
This content was originally published here.