Trump has a better NFT than Abraham Lincoln because he’s the greatest of all time

Former President Donald Trump had hyped a “major announcement” that was coming this morning. Many thought would announce his ambitions to become the speaker of the House.
Instead, Trump pitched his supporters on a line of “digital trading cards” featuring the notorious narcissist in fabulous poses reminiscent of Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s propaganda. The various cards show Trump riding an elephant, posing as a superhero, shooting lasers out of his eyes, and surrounded by gold bars. He claims they are “ART of my Life & Career!”
They cost $99 each. The NFTs, according to Trump, are “very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting.”
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have become a popular way to sell digital art. Each one is given a unique digital “signature” to increase its value. While some popular meme graphics have sold for outrageous sums of money, Trump’s fantastical NFTs are basically worthless if no secondary market develops for them.
Trump, who clearly doesn’t understand what an NFT is, told his followers that they will soon sell out of the digital artwork. He also thinks they would make a great stocking stuffer and that he was a greater president than George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.
Actual digital cards Trump is offering on his site. I am not kidding. pic.twitter.com/EDDWb9m5FP
— Brian Lynch (@BrianLynch) December 15, 2022
Incels across the country will be trading Trump superhero cards now.
“Hey man, ill trade you Trump Rambo for Trump Superman but you have to do the dishes after my mom makes us meatloaf tonight.”
— Kate
(@ImSpeaking13) December 15, 2022
Let’s take a moment and share the new and incredible US Postal Service Stamp honoring John Lewis while everyone is talking about Trump’s shitty cards. pic.twitter.com/XMRfiRfj0t
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) December 15, 2022
It’s so sad. Reminds me of the people sending their last dollars to a televangelist promising heaven. What an awful man grifting unabashedly.
— Country over party (@stand_together2) December 15, 2022
I think Trump’s digital trading cards are… unrealistic pic.twitter.com/PgeoJTVBrd
— Davram (@davramdavram) December 15, 2022
After all the felonious and horrible shit Trump has done over the past 6 years, how perfect would it be for Trump Superhero cards to cause his political downfall?
— Ron Filipkowski
(@RonFilipkowski) December 15, 2022
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) December 15, 2022
OH MY FUCKING GOD TRUMP’S MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT IS *DIGITAL* TRADING CARDS FEATURING HIS OWN BIG DUMB STUPID PUMPKIN FACE and holy shit he’s selling them for a hundred bucks I shit you not. I wish I was making this up. and the rubes are going to eat this shit right up
— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) December 15, 2022
“Better than Lincoln, better than Washington.” pic.twitter.com/Vpmg4Ntr2A
— Warren Rhea
(@EverydayWarren) December 15, 2022
This content was originally published here.