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How Augmented Reality can change mobile casinos?

Mobile casinos have revolutionized the online casino industry. They have made gambling accessible to the masses. Now, no need to dress up and visit a casino when you can play at mobile casinos. Owing to its convenience, players can access any game at any location. No hassle of setting up the game! Mobile casinos offer a vast collection of slots, tables and card games which gives the user ample freedom to choose their favourite game. They also offer attractive and exclusive cash offers, bonuses, and incentives.

Mobile gaming will see unprecedented growth within the coming few years. Smartphone usage will increase with the introduction of new smartphone devices and the advancement in mobile technology. Since the disposable income of users is increasing, they can buy a new and better smartphone with advanced features. The availability of cheap internet and data plans can also be attributed to the success of mobile gaming. 

Many countries are planning to launch 5G connections to provide faster internet service. It is going to take mobile gaming to the next level. Till now South Korea is the only country that offers 5G internet connectivity. The most popular games on mobile or phone casinos are Blackjack, roulette, bingo, slots, etc. They are made compatible with the device so that players can have a glitch-free and engaging experience.

Apart from the use of captivating graphics, groovy soundtracks and easy gameplay, online gaming operators are capitalizing on the latest technological trends to improve and improvise mobile gaming experience. One such popular technology that is making its rounds in the mobile casino industry is Augmented Reality or AR.

Many people have come across the term Augmented Reality. Many gaming companies provide AR games. The most famous one is Pokemon Go, where the player can interact with Pokemon characters in the actual environment in real-time. He has to catch them to win points. Since its launch, the game had taken the AR gaming industry by storm. Since 2008, smartphones, both Android and iPhones, have developed AR apps. But it is soon to make its debut in the mobile casino industry.

The functionality of Augmented Reality

In AR, the virtual objects are superimposed on the real-life environment. This makes it appear that the virtual objects are present in the actual environment. But it is just an illusion. The virtual images are replicated in the actual environment with the help of smart glasses, webcam, or a smartphone camera. AR makes gaming interesting and engaging. 

The relevance of Augmented reality in mobile casinos 

Even though live dealer games have blurred the lines between reality and fiction, the introduction of AR in mobile casinos can change the future of mobile gaming. Players can experience a real-life casino environment and derive similar pleasure from playing at a traditional casino. Many mobile casinos are planning to offer AR glasses, speakers, and microphones that allow players to access the virtual sound system. AR will soon replace conventional PC gaming and offer out-of-the-box features to its users. 

But mobile casinos do have to face constraints with AR. It is expensive to procure devices like glasses and headsets. A large population of online gamblers may not be able to afford the devices. So, the first challenge is to provide these devices at a reasonable rate without compromising on quality. Another constraint is securing the rights of AR software from developers. This again is an expensive affair. The third and most important concern is whether AR will become a huge hit among gamers as it will take some years for AR to be functional in the mobile gaming industry.

AR will change the way people have been engaging in mobile gambling over the past few years. That being said, one can hope for AR to become a reality in the i-gaming industry anytime soon.

The post <strong>How Augmented Reality can change mobile casinos?</strong> appeared first on CoreCommerce.

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