Augmented Reality Mobile App Development | Top 10 Companies »
Top 10 Augmented Reality Mobile App Development Companies
1. 4Experience
Overview of the company
It is a virtual reality studio. They work on creating virtual and augmented reality experience. The company was founded in 2015 and since then it is providing full stack development. The assist business in the field of software development. They used to work in collaboration. They believe that the good communication between the partner companies and clients is the key to success.
Technology they use
Unity 3D, AR, VR, WebXR, Mixed reality, AI/ML
Services they offer
2. ScienceSoft
Overview of the company
It is a professional software development company that was founded in 1989. Now it comes of the list of tech giant companies. The main office is located in Texas, USA and the regional offices are located in Europe and Middle East. It has an enormous workforce who knows how to perform with 100 percent efficiency and accuracy in a given deadline. The company is also ISO certified.
Trends on which they are working
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Mixed Reality.
Services they offer
3. Waracle
Overview of the company
This app development company was launched in 2004. Up till now, it has delivered hundreds of successful app debelopment projects. They know how to grow with time and work according to the trending technology. They are expert in working on Unity 3D, AR, VR, WebXR, Mixed reality, AI/ML. Their diligent team of tech professionals always stay connected with the latest technology in order to compete other companies. They value their clients and believes that their feedback is the most important thing to deliver successful projects that are up to their expectations.
Technology they use
Unity 3D, AR, VR, WebXR, Mixed reality, AI/ML
Services they offer
4. Program-Ace
Overview of the company
This software development company was founded in 1992. They are having highly experienced professionals who are able to timely deliver AR, VR apps. When they started to contribute in the IT sector, they were just creating websites on initial level but now they have more than 27 years of experience in the field of mobile app and web development.
Technologies they use
iOS Android macOS Windows Linux, C#, C++Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript PHP, and AR/MR
Services they offer
5. Nomtek
Overview of the company
It is a software development company that claims that they have successfully delivered more than 500 tech related projects. They emphasis on the development of Hybrid and Native apps. The company was launched in 2009 and since then is moving forward rapidly. They focus on each step of project development in order to successfully design develop test and launch the app.
Trends on which they are working
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Mixed Reality.
Services they offer
6. Capermint Technologies
Overview of the company
It is one of the fastest growing mobile app and game app development company. They believe that the feedback of their potential client base is what matters the most for the successful deliverance of project. The company was founded in 2014 in Montreal, Canada. They have a team of highly skilled tech geeks who aim to make remarkable name in the information and technology sector all across the globe. Their tech geeks have a huge experience in providing exception level app development services.
Trends on which they are working on
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Mixed Reality.
Services they offer
7. Credencys Solution Inc
Overview of the company
It is one of the best augmented reality app development companies which was founded in 2008 in Los Angeles, California, USA. They are best known for their customer dealing and efficiency in work. They have successfully delivered around thousands of projects. They have provided IT solutions to the most well recognized companies. Such as Unilever, Cisco, Samsung, Raytheon, McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Jeep, ABB, and Suzuki.
Services they offer
8. Skywell Software LLC
Overview of the company
It is another software development company who lives to create innovative IT solutions and make them accessible to the common man at a very reasonable cost. They work according to the technology needs of time as per the latest trends. The company was founded in 2008 in Ukraine. They have worked and are currently working with a huge and a popular client base.
They aim to assist small startups and big enterprises in order to provide them cutting edge solutions related to information and technology.
Services they offer
9. Appify
Overview of the company
It is another software development company as well as the consultant agency. It was founded in 2019 and situated in Ireland. They always stay connect with the market trends and provide tech solutions accordingly. In a very short span of time, they have made their notable space in the IT industry all because of the hard work of their meticulous workforce. They develop apps for iOS, Android and for the windows. AS far as their consultant service is concerned, they provide strategic consultancy to those who ask suggestions related to the industry and market trends. They have helped so many businesses to grow.
Services they offer
10. CitrusBits
Overview of the company
This mobile app development company claims to provide high end technology solutions for all the digital problems. It was founded in 2007 in California USA. They offer innovative services at a very reasonable price. They are highly skilled to deliver implausible development projects on time.
Services they offer
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This content was originally published here.