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Has Milky Way's Twin Been Discovered to Will Artificial Intelligence Reveal New Laws of Physics? (The Galaxy Report) - The Daily Galaxy

Has Milky Way’s Twin Been Discovered to Will Artificial Intelligence Reveal New Laws of Physics? (The Galaxy Report) – The Daily Galaxy

Today’s stories include 10 Brilliant Novels About Communicating with Extraterrestrial Life to Does Consciousness Rely on Quantum Entanglement? and much more.

Will artificial intelligence discover new laws of physics? asks New Scientist. “Algorithms can pore over astrophysical data to identify underlying equations. Now, physicists are trying to figure out how to imbue these “machine theorists” with the ability to find deeper laws of nature.”

Have we found the Milky Way’s twin?-Our galactic home in the cosmos — the Milky Way — is only one of many trillions of galaxies within in the observable Universe. Do we have a twin? asks Ethan Siegel for Big Think. 

10 Brilliant Novels About Communicating with Extraterrestrial Life, reports Publishers Weekly. From Ethan Chatagnier’s soaring debut novel, Singer Distance about a group of MIT grad students who attempt to contact extraterrestrial beings in the early 1960s to Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang.The title story of this collection, the basis for the movie Arrival, follows Louise Banks, a linguistics professor tasked with decoding the language of an alien species that has unexpectedly landed on. Earth.

Earth to the Rescue? Our planet can regulate its own temperature over millennia, new study finds–It’s on a 100,000-year timescale, though, so the next few centuries might not be so comfortable, reports Science Advances. “The question of how Earth’s climate is stabilized on geologic time scales is important for understanding Earth’s history, long-term consequences of anthropogenic climate change, and planetary habitability.”

Hubble Space Telescope’s mesmerizing views of enormous spiral galaxy could help solve one of the biggest mysteries in astronomy, reports Andrew Jones for “The mysterious mismatch between the two values of the Hubble constant suggests that a new discovery in cosmology is waiting to be made, ESA scientists said in the statement.”

Surprise finding at Arctic vent site could help in the search for extraterrestrial life, reports Sharmila Kuthunur for “New research shows that a remote place on Earth has submarine activity akin to that on Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus. The finding offers a new opportunity that can help scientists prepare for future space missions that will explore the possibility of life on worlds with subsurface oceans.”

Brain experiment suggests that consciousness relies on quantum entanglement. Maybe the brain isn’t “classical” after all, reports Big Think. “If brain processes rely on quantum mechanics, it could explain why our brains are so powerful.”

Why we need quantum fields, not just quantum particles–Realizing that matter and energy are quantized is important, but quantum particles isn’t the full story; quantum fields are needed, too, reports Big Think.

Astrophysicists chronicle the history of mathematical cosmology, reports Phys,org. RUDN University astrophysicists have gathered the most important discoveries of modern cosmology from 1917 to our time.

Quantum Particles Aren’t Spinning. So Where Does Their Spin Come From? A new proposal seeks to solve the paradox of quantum spin, reports Adam Becker for Scientific American. 

A Test For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program, reports Melvin Vopson for The Conversation. “Physicists have long struggled to explain why the universe started out with conditions suitable for life to evolve. Why do the physical laws and constants take the very specific values that allow stars, planets and ultimately life to develop? “

The Milky Way’s Halo of Stars Isn’t The Neat Sphere Astronomers Expected It to Be, reports Science Alert. “For decades, the general assumption has been that the stellar halo is more or less spherical and isotropic, or the same in every direction,” says astronomer Charlie Conroy of the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). “We now know that the textbook picture of our galaxy embedded within a spherical volume of stars has to be thrown out.”

To infinity and beyond: $26 million to propel space research at McGill University and Université de Montréal to the outer limits. Landmark gifts from the Trottier Family Foundation ensure Montreal’s place as a leading hub of space research within Canada and the world, reports McGill University.

Area 51 blogger Joerg Arnu accuses authorities of sending ‘a message to silence’ as his homes are raided by FBI and air force agents, reports Sky News.. “Up to 20 agents ‘in full riot gear’ entered each of the properties and seized equipment, including laptops, phones and a drone, says the operator of the Dreamland Resort website, who insists he has not shared any material that is not already in the public domain.”

Curated by The Daily Galaxy Editorial Staff

Image credit top of page: ESO Observatories, Chile.

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